Commons 1.4 — Reply By Email!

The marquee feature of Commons 1.4 is the awesome BuddyPress functionality developed by the Commons Dev Team that lets members respond to email notifications directly from their inboxes.

If you wanted to respond to a discussion forum post before Commons 1.4, you’d need to click on the hyperlink in an email notification, log into the Commons, and post your response directly to the thread through the website.

No more!

Now, you can simply click Reply in your email client; Reply By Email takes care of the rest!

 A Few “Reply By Email” Notes

  • When you receive a Commons email notification, you’ll notice the phrase  “— Reply ABOVE THIS LINE to add a comment —” (circled in red, above).  Anything you type above this line will be part of the message posted to the forum, while everything below this line will be ignored  But it is vital that the line itself be present in the reply.  Reply By Email uses this info to route your reply back to the Commons.  (Depending on your email client, when you hit reply, you might see additional address information added.  Don’t worry – this will not be part of your response.)
  •  You must reply using the same email address at which you received the notification – Reply By Email uses this as a way of matching you up with your Commons username. (Not an issue for most people, but it may affect those who have set up their email client with multiple email addresses.)
  • You can use Reply by Email to reply to discussion threads on group forums, to personal messages and @mentions, and to group announcements.
  • You cannot use Reply by Email to reply to notification “digests,” Docs notifications (new docs, edited docs, new comments), group file uploads, group invites, or friendship requests.

The Reply by Email plugin was developed for the Commons, and made available to the entire BuddyPress community. See here for technical details.

The Muggy Round Up


Hello  Commons,

The week opened with Curiosity landing on Mars and quickly streaming images of the red planet back home to Earth.  An optimistic wave of interest in the program took over the news cycle and in the dust of the story’s impact a few interesting and unexpected  bits surfaced.  My favorite of the tertiary stories was the unearthing of a prepared speech President Nixon would have given if Armstrong and Aldrin had been stranded on the moon.  The speech is painfully eloquent and though we are all grateful that there was no occasion for it’s use, it’s impossible to not try and imagine Nixon’s delivery.   On a lighter note, its been amazing to watch the Mohawk sporting NASA scientist and flight controller Bobak Ferdowsi stymie the efforts of parents across the world.

As it turns out, everyone was having a pretty big week.  The Commons team (it’s weird to write in the third person) announced our feature packed Commons 1.4 release.  Commons 1.4 is the result of some serious work from the Development Team and you can check the development blog to stay up to date on bug fixes and the like.   In the days ahead keep an eye out for posts explaining some of the new features.  To get everyone started Scott Voth kicks things off by talking out the new Google Docs Embed Plug-In.

Also having a good week was Footenotes’ favorite Zines at Brooklyn College.  Alycia Sellie posted to share a feature article in The Wall Street Journal.  Congratulations to everyone involved!  I’m still kicking myself for missing the party.

Tony Picciano gave us some follow up on the shooting last weekend.  Tony was also the first on the Commons to share the news about Romney picking Paul Ryan as VP.  I’m beginning to think that the contemporary Republican party is a kind of long running Actionist performance art piece.  I don’t mean this disparagingly, as there’s plenty one can say about the Democratic party, but there’s a kind of internal logic at work so byzantine that I have surrendered to the effect of the piece and can only stand in naked awe of it, bereft of linear comprehension.  I feel like only,like, Werner Herzog really understands what is happening.

Finally this week William Ashton posted a bit from BBC news about MCA’s will.  The deceased Yauch made clear that nothing from his artistic legacy was to be used for advertising.  I hope it sticks because it’d break my little heart to hear the Beastie Boys being used to sell tickets on a cruise.

Till next week.



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